Your 2022 Can Be Your Best Year Yet!

This year is a huge one for me. I am turning 50 in March. What?!?!? Yes, I sure am, YAY!!

Also, it was twenty years ago that I began my journey of personal development. In a moment of choice I swore to myself that I would change my life. I had no clue how I was going to do it, but that very moment was the springboard for the changed the direction of my life.

In twenty years I have gone from broken to whole. I used to be a victim. Now, I am clear that I am the one who says if I am a victim and I choose not to. Living from the view of being a victim robs me of my personal power. I am responsible for my life. Looking at where I can be responsible is my access to power, problem solving, and creating a life by design.

Now, as a Life Coach I get the opportunity to walk alongside women and be a guide. I get to resource them with tools they can use to be the powerful person they are.

This year I am creating NEW resources that will provide tools for change. Some of the new resources include a monthly online coaching class. My first class is January 27th. In this class I will teach “How to Have 2022 Be Your Best Year Yet!” I’m thrilled to meet and teach three practical steps you can take this year to have your best year!

In February I’ll open online Digital Courses. These are self paced coaching courses on various topics. I’ve worked on these for quit sometime and they are almost ready!

In today’s blog I’m sharing something you can do to create your best year in an area of your life that doesn’t work the way you want it to.

What’s an area of your life you’ve struggled in? The area you’ve wanted to throw in the towel. The area you avoid.

THAT is the area I recommend you look at for this conversation.

Let’s begin with noticing your thoughts. This is not just another buzzword conversation about happy thoughts. How you see that area in your life, your perception of it, is EVERYTHING. When we perceive things to be a certain way, our brains will force our reality to align with those thoughts.

For me and my area of health, my perception was that I couldn’t have both my work life and manage my health at the same time.

Consider in your area that one of the reasons it stays that way is because you see it in a particular way. Perceptions live in your subconscious and stay in the background. We can get so used to these, that we no longer realize them and they become a part of how things are.

There are 4 ways to help discover what your perceptions may be in the area you are working on. I invite you to get curious about why things are they way they are, and WRITE THEM DOWN!

  • What your thoughts are about your area?

  • What are the feelings you have about this area?

  • What are the words you say?

  • What actions have you taken/not taken?

After doing this, consider that they are all in alignment with how you see it. In my area of health I thought I couldn’t have both areas work in my life, I have felt overwhelmed, I have said “I don’t have time”.

Next, begin to question- How do I know that these things are really true? This is a powerful question that engages the thinking part of your brain and interrupts the automatic perception of what you believe is true.

Mastering your perceptions and accomplishing growth in your area leads to restoration, wholeness, and fulfillment in you life. You can begin your journey today! 

Until Next Time,


Stuck? It’s Your Time to Move On and Create What You Want


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