Why S. M. A. R. T. Goals Don’t Work

Goal setting is a helpful way to build the future we want. Without goals, it can be difficult to accomplish what we desire for our lives.

When we set a goal for ourselves what works is to have a framework in which we are fulfilling that goal. To help, a framework called SMART goals can be used. The SMART goals structure has been around since 1981. Millions of people around the world have used this goal setting framework.

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebased. Each element of the SMART framework works together to create a goal that is planned, clear and trackable.

In today’s blog I am saying SMART goals don’t work. I’ll explain why. I’ll also give you something to consider and try out for yourself in the area of what it really takes for you to create and fulfill on having 2022 be your best year yet!

Why SMART Goals Don’t Work

Consider, we create “On Top Of” what’s happened. Imagine a glass of water that’s full. There’s no room to add more water. Similarly, we do the same thing. We declare something and we do it full of the past. We are full of our experiences, what we’ve tried and what we know.

We approach the New Year and we just say we are going to do something. What we don’t realize is that whenever there is something incomplete for you it doesn’t go away. The previous year is not complete and then we just move on.

What’s incomplete stays in our personal space. By that I mean, it’s not acknowledged and still impacting us even whenwe aren’t aware that it is. Whenever there is something not acknowledged it affects us.

A simple example of what I’m talking about is when you’ve had a conversation with someone and you said some things there were for you to say. And after you had the conversation there was a sense of relief because you communicated. When something gets resolved for us we are positively impacted. We have less stuff crowding our space. There’s one less thing that crowds our mind.

Personally, I am taking on my health in 2022. I have noticed what’s been in my space is frustration about how my hormones are a challenge for me right now. I’m upset that my body is different as I approach 50 years of age this March. I’m uncomfortable with breast pain (I did have a mammogram and see my doctor about this). I’m disappointed in myself in the area of being intentional and rigorous in getting my hormones sorted out. I’m annoyed my hair thinning on specific parts of my head and the texture of my hair is changing. I feel challenged by losing 20 pounds. Exercise and eating healthy alone have not resulted in weight loss. I’m unsure and concerned about what I’m going to have to deal with in menopause.

Listen… I could go on and on with this. What’s the point? I am FULL of concerns, frustrations and uncertainty in the area of my health.

There has been no space for me to CREATE anything in the area of my health.

Is that inherently a problem? No, it’s not. Being FULL of worries, concerns, frustrations and trying to get my health sorted out is one way to approach the situation.

And, there is another way.

That other way is to CREATE something new in the area of my health. Recently I realized that I have not been creating anything.

I have been trying to fix and change something that’s wrong. My relationship to my health has been it’s not supposed to be this way and I need to fix it.

Inside of this context all I can experience is frustration, irritation and hard work - especially when I don’t get the results I want.

Consider, as human beings we are automatically fixing something that’s wrong. We’re not truly creating anything. We say we are and we not. Mostly, we are fixing something because it’s a problem.

Consider in the area you are taking on this year you aren’t creating. You are fixing or trying to change something that’s wrong. It’s one way to approach what you are working on.

In this blog I will offer a specific way you can begin to CREATE in 2022.

Before I do, I want to share the second reason why SMART Goals don’t work.

We don’t trek with what we declared and charted out.

For many people their SMART Goals will be fizzled out after 3 months. The reason why this happens is because we don’t “trek” with what we declared for our future.

The word trek means to travel or migrate slowly. To fulfill our goals it requires we trek or walk alongside what we wrote. What that looks like is creating a way to keep what we wrote down in front of us, track our progress and get feedback along the way.

I took a one year training program that trained me how to do this. It has truly revolutionized how I chart out and accomplish what I declare shall be.

The Best Way to Create Your Year

I mentioned another way to go about accomplishing what we courageously declare. Here is one part of that other way that you can take and practice right away.

In the area you are working on grab a sheet of paper and write down what you are full of. How you do that is by writing down your disappointments, opinions, frustrations, concerns, worries and upsets. ANYTHING that you have to say about that area. When you do this you are clearing your mental space.

Write down everything you know about that area. You may be very knowledgeable about that area. Even your knowledge fills you up.

There is nothing new that can be created because you are “full” of what you know. I invite you to take this on. You will discover something powerful in this practice. I keep my sheet easily accessible and I update it every time I’m aware of what I am full of.

An Opportunity for You

I want to show you how to Create Your 2022 to Be Your Best Year Yet. I created an online zoom coaching session where I will show you HOW TO Create your year. I am committed this be your best year yet!!

Click the link below:https://venniece.com/online-coaching-session/

I look forward to meeting you LIVE and contributing to your lifeBlog: January Week 3  

Until Next Time,


Are You Fixing & Changing or Creating & Causing?


Stuck? It’s Your Time to Move On and Create What You Want