Are You Fixing & Changing or Creating & Causing?

We, human beings are interesting creatures. As we experience life, brain patterns are formed and deeply embedded in the 2 pound organ inside of our skull. These patterns are a roadmap for the brain and tell it what to do. By the time we are in our 20’s our brain patterns are set. After that, our brain thinks for us. Over 90% of what you and I do each day is subconscious. Our brain is running the show. The brain is cleverly designed to do this so that we can conserve energy and stay safe.

Our brain is running every action and reaction that you and I experience each day.

This is actually pretty awesome! The ability to have the brain think for you is efficient and effective, right? It is! Except for the brain patterns that are negative and limiting. You know, the brain patterns, thinking patterns that keep us limited. Some examples of ways we think as human beings include: “I can’t do it.” “I’m alone.” “No one understands me.” and, “I’m not good enough.”

Such patterns of thinking are not what we necessarily want the brain to being running on auto-pilot without our conscious awareness. And, this is what is happening to most people. We are on auto-pilot with negative thoughts running our lives and we aren’t conscious to it. We keep trying to change our lives and we aren’t working with our brain to create new patterns of thinking and take action.

It takes something to actually be in the driver’s seat of our life. It takes you and I developing the capacity to be aware of what’s happening in our life and interrupt the brain when the path it’s taking us stops us from being empowered and in control of our life.

We Have Two Choices

In today’s blog I’m sharing the two options we have as human beings. We are either going to Fix and Change our lives or we will Create and Cause it. One choice is not necessarily better than the other AND each gives us a particular experience. In the End, you get to choose.

Fixing & Changing

Consider, what we call we creation is actually operating “on top of” what’s happened in the past. Imagine a bucket that’s full. There’s no room to add to the bucket. Similarly, we do the same thing. We declare something and we do it full of the past. We are full of our experiences, what we’ve tried in the past. We are also full of what we know. There is no room to create. All you can do is fix and change the past. This isn’t so bad. It depends on what the past has been like for you. When you fix and change you are basically recycling a variation of the past.

Creating & Causing

Many people relate to creating as taking time to write down what you want and take action. Most of the goals will fizzle out after 3 months. When you Create there is room for something new to emerge. The definition of the word create means to bring something into existence. There is an experience in creating. It’s one of newness, freedom and opportunity. For some it can even be exciting! Creation is powerful inside of your declarative word “This shall be!”

Causing is intention and action that makes something happen. Causing is an important partner to creating. When you are causing you are literally trekking with what you declared in your creation and taking it through to fruition. There is no fizzling out when you are causing something. Your future is present and in front of you because you keep it in front of you.

A Simple Practice in Creating: Ask Yourself “What’s Filling me Up?”

To create we must clear what’s in our space. Another way to say this is to acknowledge what’s present and take action if that’s what’s needed. A method I use as a part of my creation practice is to ask myself “What’s Filling Me Up?” I invite you to ask yourself the same question. Take a look at the image below. Get your journal and answer the questions.

You could be full of concerns, worries, undelivered communication, broken promises to yourself or people. You could be full of the things on your mind that you don’t even talk about. Concerns about the future.

There may be an action for you to take around what’s filling you up. Perhaps a conversation with someone in your life. Or, bringing closure to something that has been unresolved for you.

The act of acknowledging and taking action in any area you’ve been tolerating and avoiding creates space for something new to emerge.

An Opportunity for You

I created a powerful and practical online class called Create Your 2022 to Be Your Best Year Yet. We will meet on a Zoom coaching session where I will show you HOW TO CREATE your year. I am committed this be your best year yet!!

Click the link below for more details and to grab your seat:

I look forward to meeting you LIVE and contributing to your life.  

Until Next Time,


Building Your Health Practices


Why S. M. A. R. T. Goals Don’t Work