How to Shift out to Frustration

I used to live my life in a consistent state of frustration. Frustration and overwhelm was a norm for me. I didn’t really know how to live life outside of this way.

Over the past 20 years, part of my personal growth journey has included the practice of shifting out of frustration. I work with my brain to go from frustration to peace and calm.

In today’s blog, I will share how you can work with your brain to shift out of frustration.

Think of an area where you are frustrated.

Consider the source of frustration is our opinion and, or judgment about what's happening.

That’s right. We are never frustrated about what’s actually happening.

We Need to Talk About What’s Really Happening

What’s happening is what is happening in reality. Reality is what I can see, hear and/or touch. It’s factual. I know this sounds simple and when I ask people what’s happening they tell me how they feel or what they believe about what’s happening.

Examples of what’s happening versus our opinion and/or judgment:

  • What’s happening: I said hi to my co-worker and she did not say hi back to me.Opinion: My co-worker is mad at me.

  • What’s happening: My daughter told me she didn’t want me to come over to her house.Judgment: My daughter is ungrateful and doesn’t appreciate anything I do for her.

  • What’s happening: I don’t do what I say I’m going to do.Judgment: I am inconsistent and disorganized.

The first step in being able to shift out of frustration is to get grounded in REALITY.

When You Are Frustrated Practice the Following Steps:

1. Ask Yourself: What’s actually happening right now?
I recommend you verbally tell yourself out loud the facts about What is Happening in the moment.

2. Ask Yourself: What’s my opinion and/or judgment about what's happening?

Take a look at what is your opinion and/or judgment. An opinion is what you believe about something. A judgment is what “IS” for you about something.

3. The third part is to observe your reaction. I am not saying to try to figure out why you are reacting to what’s happening. In this step you are simply being the “Observer” of your reaction. You are not being the critic of about how you are reacting to what’s happening or being a critic about having an opinion and/or judgment about what’s happening. When you be the observer of your reaction to what’s happening, something powerful happens. Some people say they feel a sense of peace. Others say they are present to space - it’s like the frustration goes away. You have to try this out in order to experience it.

I call this process Rearrange Your Molecules.

Rearrange Your Molecules

The Rearrange Your Molecules tool is very powerful. It’s an access for you to shift out of any frustration and it requires practice.

Here’s why:- because our brain is on autopilot and you have to actually intentionally stop and, in a sense, “rearrange your molecules”. You have to reorient yourself. Why? Because you and I have gone years thinking, acting, responding, saying the same thing.

You're going to have to interrupt something with you. It's all with you, my friend. It starts with you and it ends with you. So, you have to reorient yourself. That’s why , I call it rearrange your molecules. And for some of you to actually, develop yourself to be able to shift your perspective.

That's how your brain is. Your brain is like, no, this is how we do it. This is how it's gonna go. But, you can literally interrupt the autopilot thinking. You can alter anything. You can literally go from being frustrated to not being frustrated in a matter of moments.

Master Rearranging Your Molecules in Community

You may be interested in using this practice. It’s powerful! A heads up for you: We are not naturally wired to do this. It takes PRACTICE. Also, it makes a difference to get coaching and feedback to make sure you are doing the practice the way it’s designed.

When you do the practice as designed, you will experience a palpable difference. I invite you to jump into my FREE Life Coaching Group #NEWYOU Facebook Group.

It's a great community, a great space for you to really learn and practice and get more coaching.

Click the link below to grab your seat:  

Until Next Time,


Maybe You Haven’t Met Your Best Self Yet


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