Maybe You Haven’t Met Your Best Self Yet

Most days I used to walk around frustrated, overwhelmed and dissatisfied. I tried to be positive and keep an upbeat attitude but it didn’t work long term. I kept finding myself back where I was at: unhappy and overwhelmed. It was wild because even though I felt so dissatisfied deep down I felt like there was more for me. I just couldn’t find it.

My life changed when I turned 30.

I had a moment of choice. I will never forget this moment. I know exactly where I was on that day. I told myself I was no longer willing to live the way I had lived. I was by myself and didn’t tell anyone about what happened. I went on with my life and within a few months I began taking steps to create a change. It was as if opportunities started showing up. I got in action to change. It has been 20 years since that moment of choice and my life is radically different. I don’t have a perfect life. Actually, I’ve had lots of ups and downs in the past 20 years. What I do have is access to peace in any moment. I have tools that help me navigate challenging moments. I am also clear that I will never “arrive.” Life is a journey and I give myself room for the journey of life. I choose to give myself room for the journey of personal growth and development.

Now, my life message is “There is More for You.” I help women how to move out of frustration, fear and perfectionism and into freedom. I show them how to step into their greatness and design a life they love.

I love what I do and have had the opportunity to work with women all over the United States. Being a part of a women’s life journey is very rewarding for me!

As I am writing today’s blog it is a new month and I have a challenge for you. I will begin with a question for you: Are you living your best life?

Are you really living your life? Are you being your best self? If you're not, my challenge to you is to choose to make a change to do what it takes to create your life.

Now, you may be totally satisfied with just getting by, if that's you,I get it. I know there have been times in my life where I'm like, yeah, I'm not really committed to being up to anything right now.

If you're not in that space, and you know, deep down in your heart, you are not living fully in fullness, then I challenge you to do something about it. Why? Well, because you were born for more than that. You were never born to just kind of exist and just get by. You were born to Live Fully and Thrive!!

How Do You Live Fully?

In my experience it was not possible for me to grow into my best self alone. I used tools that came my way and I sought out tools that could help me move forward. I tapped into new resources that could equip me with tools I needed to elevate my life.

A resource is something that you can utilize to assist you in achieving your end goal. From my perspective, utilizing resources is the way to actually live a full life.

Before I used resources, I used to talk to myself and say: “Venniece, just be more positive. Just keep going!” I did that for many years and it never worked.

I didn't realize that I was trying to change all on my own. I didn't have the right tools.I didn't have the skills to really be able to take my life to another level. I had gone as far as I could with what I had.

What I discovered is personal growth always happens inside of community: people who believe in me and are willing to teach me the skills they have.

As I write this blog I really feel like you are in a similar situation and you need to hear this message today.

You've Gone as Far as You Can with What You Have

One the of the powerful things we can do as human beings is tell ourselves the truth about where we are at. If you are reading this blog and it is resonating with you the act of saying to yourself. “I’ve gone as far as I can go and it’s time for me to choose something new…” creates room for something new to show up.

From my years of working with women I can say wholeheartedly that part of the process involves allowing people to contribute to your life.

And being really courageous to say, I'm going to freaking do this. Because I've been trying to do it how I'm doing it and it's clearly not worked up until now.

I'm talking about real life transformation. I’m not talking about an improvement. An improvement is:“Oh, I'm doing better.” Doing “better”is not living in fullness.

You were designed to live fully. Fully is when you are free to be 100% YOU.

Solutions and My Personal “Aha” Moment

I recently had a huge “aha” moment in the area of inviting you to join my #NEWYOU Life Coaching Group. I realized that a lot of times I have a concern that I will come off as pressuring.

It hit me: It doesn't work for me to talk to you about how you can actually take your life to the next level and not give you a resource which is the work that I do. I choose to give up my concern and be that person in your life who provides you with all types of resources that are an access for you to design a life you love.

With that in mind, If you are willing to get in action to create your best self and move into living fully in your life, then the #NEWYOU Life Coaching Group is for you.

In this free group we coach women.It’s a wonderful community of women who are up to being their best self and living their best life!

You will learn practical tools that you can use daily and be supported as you are in action. If you are ready to go from existing and getting by to living your best life, join the group. I look forward to working with you!

Click the link below:  

Until Next Time,


It’s Time to Rock the Boat


How to Shift out to Frustration