Finally, Go from Arguing with Your Spouse to Feeling Heard, and Connected, Even if You’ve Felt like it Can’t Change.

There’s nothing worse than feeling frustrated when trying to communicate with your spouse…especially when you’re arguing.

Worst yet, when it’s been like this for years, having the same arguments over and over again…you’re stuck feeling like it will never change.

You’ve tried techniques from relationship experts, read books and maybe tuned in to online videos but you still get stopped in the same arguments over and over.

You may try to force your husband to listen and see what you’re trying to say. Or, perhaps you’re on the “down-low” about it - you’re subtle when trying to get him to see your point or downright get your way! Either way - I get it. I was there and I feel your frustration!

For most of my marriage, many of the arguments ended the same way. Me feeling so frustrated and defeated and Don felt confused and irritated. It felt like we were both trying to defend our positions and the argument was more of an exercise to see who would win. For Don, he confesses he was just trying to survive conversations with me. This was our conversational environment for 11 years. I thought about divorce countless times. We both questioned whether maybe we just weren’t right for each other. We had invested years together and felt unsure about whether we should call it quits and go our separate ways.

Then, I discovered a proven, repeatable strategy to go from arguing to connecting and communicating with my husband. It CHANGED everything!! I’ve taught other women my strategy and it creates breakthrough results.

Using this strategy you will be able to shift from arguing and frustration to communicating in a way that opens something new in a conversation with your spouse.

I created a no-fluff4-Day Experience where, you will learn the start-to-finish, step-by-step roadmap that I use and teach my clients in order to create an environment that disarms an argument and creates room for connection with your spouse!

Even if you’ve been married for over 20 years and it seems like this is as good as it can get - you’ll get the tools to turn any argument around into a real connection with your spouse.

Go from the same old arguments to a new way of connecting and do it without the overwhelm and frustration.

I want to teach it to YOU.

Don’t Be Another Statistic.

In the United States 68% of marriages end in divorce because of toxic communication. Yours doesn't have to be one of them.

Over half of divorces in the U.S. are people over age 50 who have been married over 20 years.

Stop wasting your time.

This 4-Day Online Experience is for women who want to feel heard, and connected with their spouse. And, they are committed to learning how to have their marriage thrive!

I Am Passionate About Teaching Married Women How to be Heard and Feel Connected with Their Spouses!

It’s great to meet you! I’ve been in the personal growth industry for over 20 years. I’ve helped women overcome fear, self-doubt, and perfectionism.

In this 4-Day Experience, I’ll teach you the 3 roadblocks that are stopping you from being connected with your spouse. I will show you how to create a new space for connection and communication with your spouse.

I will guide you as you create a new space for connection and communication in your relationship.

Hi, I’m Venniece Robbins

It’s time for you to be equipped with practical tools you can use in any conversation you have with your husband! You deserve to feel heard, connected with, and at peace in your marriage. It’s time for you both to move things forward in your relationship and life!

Before This Live Event You Might Feel:

➤ Frustrated when trying to communicate with your spouse

➤ Unsure if it can ever change

➤ Considering divorce or settling for being married “roommates”

➤ Feeling like the real problem is your husband

➤ Skeptical if something can change if your spouse is not participating in an event like this with you

➤ Experienced a shift in the conversational environment of your marriage

➤ Be equipped with tools you can use in any conversation with your partner

➤ Have a breakthrough conversation with your partner

➤ Experience being heard

➤ Experience a sense of hope for the future of your marriage and the area of communication

After This Live Event You Will:

This is the only Step by Step Roadmaplike this out there.

Most relationship experts give techniques that make people feel excited AND they don’t teach practical tools that ALTER the couple’s conversational environment.

This workshop is designed to show you how to create a new space for communication with your husband. I’ve taken the essence of what I have used in my marriage and what I've taught other women and, I created a clear roadmap you can use over and over again in order to achieve the type of conversations you want. I’m taking the lid off and giving it all to you!

You’ll be able to take what you learn in this 4-Day Experience and create a new space for communication with your spouse.

Here’s Some of What You’ll Learn in this 4 Day Experience:

➤ Be able to resolve conflicts with your partner quickly and easily.

➤ Know how to communicate with your partner without fighting.

➤ Forge a deeper connection than you’ve ever had with each other.

➤ Never have to “compromise” with each other over anything—ever.

➤ Learn the 3 major reasons for conflict and how to avoid them.

➤ And so much more to help you and your partner create and cultivate the type of communication that can take your relationship from ordinary to extraordinary.

The 4-Day Experience is for you if…

➤ you’re a married woman

➤ you’re unhappy in your marriage or relationship

➤ you constantly fight and argue with your husband/wife/partner

➤ you are experiencing ongoing communication issues with your partner

➤ you feel as though you’re not being heard by your partner, and have too many unresolved disagreements in your marriage or relationship.

Don’t just take my word for it, here’s what some of my clients have to say:

I discovered some things that I do that have hindered my ability to create a space for powerful communication with my husband. It was an eye-opening experience. I have spent years in therapy, reading books, and seeking out help in the area of my marriage. Venniece has a way of helping people see what they can’t see. I’ve used the tools to create space for a different kind of relationship with my husband. We are not fully on the other side YET but we are headed in the right direction. If you consistently use the tools, you will see results. I used to be hopeless about the future of my marriage. Now, I am full of hope and anticipate the future!
— Samantha, Married 12 years
My husband and I were stuck. He wasn’t interested and it irritated me! I felt like I was the one doing all the work. After working with Venniece I learned a different way to be with my husband. When I started to use the tools my husband noticed and at first, he was skeptical. We had a big breakthrough shortly after and it changed everything. It’s been 4 years now and my relationship is totally different. Instead of arguing, we are able to talk about things without getting to the argument stage. I honestly never thought it was really possible. I am thankful for what I’ve learned. It made a big difference for us.
— Debra, Married 11 years
This is my second marriage. When it started to go south I went into panic mode. I am older and the thought of divorce terrified me. When I worked with Venniece I started to uncover a lot of things that were stopping me from being able to have an effective conversation with my husband. I thought he was the problem and I didn’t see how I could change my marriage. For me, he was the one who needed to step up and change his ways. The biggest thing I learned was I could spark a change in my marriage. I also learned ways I could create a different environment with my husband. Now, we are able to have confrontations and get through them without wanting to end our marriage.
— Kim, Married 9 years
My husband and I used to have one communication style: ANGER. Since I was very young the only way I communicated was by being angry. My husband didn’t have a chance. I was right, he was wrong and I was ticked off anytime he didn’t do what I felt was right. The problem was that I always brought my anger into the conversations. Now I realize that my husband was scared. For over 30 years he appeased me and went along with me. There was so much that didn’t work. When I worked with Venniece I learned a new set of skills that I could use in my communication with my husband. In my case, I was desperate and used all the tools I was given. The first thing I noticed was the environment was totally different. Venniece talks about the conversational environment. I was able to feel the environment in my relationship shift. It was powerful!
— Janelle, Married 35 years
After using the tools, I feel like a new woman. I was finally able to communicate effectively with my husband, shift the conversation, and move out of a reaction. Thanks to tools and coaching with Venniece, we were able to save our marriage and be happier than ever!
— Maria, Married 15 years

When is it happening?

November 28 - December 1, 2022

What Time of Day?
6pm to 7pm CST

How Long is Each Session?
Each session is 1 hour

Who is Teaching?
Venniece Robbins, Life Coach

What does it cost?

Where does it take place?
Sessions will be on Facebook LIVE and the Replay will be available

Grab Your Seat for This 4-Day Live Virtual Experience!

Where Can We Email The 4-Day Experience Login Information to?

We will never share your email address or data with anyone. We value your privacy.

This event is unlike any event you’ve ever experienced. I believe in it so much that I am willing to do something that will remove any barrier to you participating.

My Guarantee to You

If you feel like even one minute of your time was wasted in this event, write my office and we will get you set up to jump on a call with me for free. I will have a breakthrough coaching conversation with you. Normally I charge $150 per hour for a call like this. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining me for 4 days!

I can’t wait to see you break through and create a new space for connection and communication in your marriage!

-    Venniece Robbins

Important Disclaimer:

Venniece Robbins is not a therapist. This 4-Day Experience is not therapy or counseling in any way shape or form. Each conversation is designed for you to discover something new for yourself in such a way that you see new actions you can take that will produce new results. If you do not do the work or take action you will not get any results. They are completely dependent on your participation and action.