What Direction Are You Spinning?

I’ve been looking forward to today’s blog conversation! I’m learning so much in my journey as a solar advocate. Some of the things I learn are pretty foundational. As I learn, I will share my knowledge with you. I have a suspicion I am not the only one who has lacked some basic knowledge about energy, electricity and solar energy.

Today’s blog is titled What Direction are You Spinning? In order to have this conversation I need to review a couple of basics about energy in your home.

Everyday we have appliances we use. Every appliance needs energy to run and they have a very specific amount of energy they will use every time you use them.

For example, your refrigerator probably uses between 100 and 250 watts of energy.

Over a full day, a refrigerator is likely to use between 1 to 2 kilowatt hours (kWh). This translates into a running cost of about $150 per year per refrigerator. The variable for the annual cost is how much you are charged per kilowatt hour.

A super quick review

Key terms for this conversation are kilowatt (kW) and kilowatt hour (kWh). You need them to charge your cell phone, use FaceBook or cook a meal. They are a big part of your everyday life.

Understanding energy terminology will save you time and money when making decisions on your home energy needs and the appliances that you use daily.

kW is measurement of power.

kWh is a measurement of energy.

The best way to think about this is that a kilowatt is like the speedometer on your car. Your car’s speedometer goes up and down depending on how fast or slow you’re driving.

A kilowatt tells you how much energy (or energy demand) you’re using at an exact moment.

A kilowatt hour is like the odometer of your car telling you how far you’ve gone.

A kilowatt hour measures how much energy is consumed per hour.

Your energy consumption is how many kilowatt hours (kWh) you consume.

kWh = kW demand X hours used

You are Spinning! The question is: In what direction?

All homes have a meter. It’s usually located on the side of the house. The energy we consume (our kWh) is measured by a meter and your meter spins forward.The meter measures both kW and kWh used throughout the month. In the old days energy companies used to send people called meter maids out to the home to measure the amount of energy each home consumed. Now, the meters are digital and the data is sent to the energy provider electronically, then homeowners are charged.

Look at it this way: you consume energy, your meter spins forward and you are charged for your energy consumption. Makes sense right?

Question: If your meter spins backward, what does that mean? Can the opposite be true? If your meter spins backward is it possible for you to be paid or not charged for your electricity?

The use of solar energy reduces electric bills, starting with kilowatt hours. Let’s connect this to the direction your meter spins.

With the use of solar energy, the solar production on your roof slows the spinning down if you are consuming both solar power and grid power. If your solar system is producing exactly what your home is using at a given moment, the meter actually stops spinning.

Best yet, when your home is producing more solar than your home is using, your meter spins backwards as your excess electricity exports or feeds back into the utility grid.

How does this backward spinning affect your electric bill? I will explain more on next week’s blog and the simplest way to explain it is you receive a one for one credit for the energy that is exported. This is called net metering. And, because of net metering you are able to reduce all of the kilowatt charges on your bill down to $0.00.

Can you get excited about the possibility of paying ZERO for electricity? I sure am!

Start spinning your meter backwardsBring

Your Electric Bill to $0.00 and MORE!!! The Electric Company will Pay YOU…!

If you are a homeowner and are interested in finding out how you can spin the electric meter in your home backwards, AND use net metering to bring your electric bill to $0.00 then let’s set up a free consultation. CLICK HERE

Until Next Time,


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