Step Into Your Power.

Nowadays a lot of people feel powerless. There is so much happening in the world and I think feeling powerless can be a fallout of ALL that, not to mention the personal experiences we’ve gone through in the past that impact us in the present.

We can’t change the circumstances that happen in life however we are able to regain the personal power that is undermined by stressand loss of control.

It’s important to find a way to feel empowered in our day-to-day life.As a start, let’s clarify what power isn’t. It isn’t a force that you use like a weapon to get your own way. It isn’t suppressing what you don’t like about yourself and achieving a perfect ideal that doesn’t exist in the first place. It isn’t money, status or possessions.

There are countless people sitting in the lap of luxury who feel even more powerless than the average person. This is so because the issues of power are about how you relate to yourself.In today’s blog I’m sharing four things someone can take on to stand in their power.

Take Back Your Personal Power:
1. Stand in who you are.

Who are you? At its core, identity is how we define ourselves. It’s the culmination of our interests and our values, what we do and what we love and – critically – how we see ourselves and what gives us validation.

The way you see yourself directly affects the way that you perceive the world around you; everything is filtered through the prism of your identity, from the way you interact with other people to the way that you think.

Remember when I asked you to think about who you are? I want you to think about it again. What is it about you that defines who you are? Where do you derive your value and what do you have going for you in your life?

It’s not always easy. The process of changing standing in your identity and owning yourpower is long and difficult. It requires us to unlearn a lot of beliefs we’ve internalized and change how we define our self-worth.

Who can you forgive? Is there some area of your life you can forgive yourself?

Here’s a practice you can take on:
Take a sheet of paper and a pen, and write down a couple of questions, questions that are meant to help you see things differently, and help you let go of your own misery. After you write each question, try giving an honest answer to each and every one of them:

Who is the person that mistreated you?
Is it your mother, your father, your spouse, your child, your best friend, or your neighbor?

Who is it?
Do you think they did what they did just to hurt you?
Do you think they did it on purpose?
Do you think it’s possible for you to forgive them, and I mean, really forgive them?
Do you think it’s possible for you to forget everything and go back to how things were before?
Would you rather hold on to your anger than go back to being friends?
Can you even remember how good it felt to be in their presence, to spend time with them?
Would you say that they are sorry for what they did?
Are you willing to give up on the relationship you had with this person because of what he/she did to you?
Is it worth being upset?What does your mind tell you to do?
What is your heart telling you to do?
To whom are you going to listen? Your heart, or your mind?

Choose and make a decision. You either choose toforgive or not to forgive that person.

3. Create new habits.
When we live with a loss of power we take on habits (behaviors) consistent with being disempowered. However, creating new habits makes a huge difference. Follow these steps to make good habits stick:

  1. Identify what you want to achieve.

  2. Build the new habit into your routine.

  3. Reflect on your habit.

  4. Practice being consistent.

  5. Get support.

When you decide to create new habits in your life, focus on one at a time. If you try to overhaul your life all at once, you'll likely get overwhelmed and quickly revert to old disempowering habits.

4. Stay grounded in the present moment.
Being in the present moment is apowerful and simple way to deal with the challenges in our lives.Tools to get us into the present, include deep breathing, active or passive meditation, or a great workout allows us to more effectively take control of the situation by taking things moment by moment and day by day.

Being in the present moment makes us aware that we have a choice in how we deal with our stressful situations. Worry and fear don’t have to be the only way we deal with things. Getting in a great workout or doing meditation also provides many other physiological benefits.

These escape routes all lead back to the person you really are, and that person knows that what really counts extends far beyond the individual:

Until Next Time,

If you are ready to learn how to step into your power and looking for coaching and support. Join me in my free #NEW YOU Life Coaching Group.

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Creating Unshakable Self-Confidence.


Weekend Warrior