It’s Time to Rock the Boat

Today I'm going to talk about something that I'm personally not naturally good at: Rocking the Boat and, I've learned how to be good at it. The expression means someone is upsetting a calm situation and causing trouble.

Sounds like fun, right? I say Rocking the Boat has a powerful use in our life. In today’s blog I’ll explain why.

For 99% of us we don’t want to Rock the Boat because of some good perceived reasons:

  1. We think that if we say what we really want to say it will create a disruption, discomfort or disagreement and that seems like too much for us to handle. So… we say nothing. We pretend everything is okay. We think if we say something the fallout will be bad and is not worth it. Sometimes we settle in situations.

  2. We live in an illusion thinking that by avoiding conversations and confrontations they will just go away. They never just go away. They not only create distance between us and the person (or situation) they rob our peace of mind and over time, impact our physical well-being.

I have lived these reasons and I see them in the women I meet on social media platforms. We do this.

The thing we don’t realize is the impact it’s having on our life. The biggest impact of avoiding a conversation is that it robs us of our energy, peace of mind and satisfaction in life.

We do not experience being Fully Alive when we choose to avoid life instead of face it.

When I say live fully alive I don’t mean living a perfect life.

Living Fully Alive includes courageously LIVING OUR LIFE.

The reality is that life is never perfect. Life is messy. Living Fully Alive looks like something. It looks like Leaning IN to life - the good, the bad and the ugly with courage and willingness to experience it AND grow in it.

Fully Alive is when we grow in life.When was the last time you grew through something you went through?What was the growth?How did you come out better on the other side?

It’s Time to Rock the Boat.

Consider you can Rock the Boat in service of a commitment.Maybe, inside of your commitment to have your relationship work you can have a courageous conversation with your spouse.You could create a commitment to live in Peace and deal with a situation you’ve been avoiding.

What would you saying something make available in your relationship? How would it give you peace of mind knowing you were true to yourself? What if you saying something was the beginning of creating a long-term solution?

You’ll never know the difference until you Rock the Boat. Create a disruption that serves a greater purpose.

I know you can do it. I believe in YOU.You may need some coaching in how to have the conversation. If that’s you, feel free to reach out to me. Click here and send me a message —>

Until Next Time,

I am teaching an online class on How to Live Life with No Regrets. Check out the details below:


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