You’re in for the 4-Day Experience… But Wait!

Upgrade to VIP to join me for exclusive VIP Q&A sessions, VIP bonus trainings and guarantee you will get the most out of this experience with me!

You’re about to create a new conversational environment that will change your marriage, and give you a new experience of peace and hope for the future!

What if you knew that success was guaranteed? Would you give all you’ve got?

Of course you would! You’d be crazy not to.

The truth is, you can create a new conversational environment that creates space for a completely different experience in your marriage!

You can achieve anything you set your mind to. And I’m going to tell you how!

Did you know many people don’t make it this far?! Most of them fall short. They overthink it. They let fear and doubt keep them where they are. Not you!

You’re different. You’re the one who’s going to make it. Why? Because you have something, they don’t.

Purpose-filled Action and Courage.

Will you take that next step to guarantee that you will get the most out of your 4-DayLive Online Experience?

You get all this for just $47

✔ Access To A Private Facebook Community - this is a committed and powerful community of women who are ready to encourage you, inspire you, and hold you accountable when you need it. Real success can never be achieved alone. You need a community to help get you there. This is your community. We are here to support your journey to success.

✔ Access To All The General Sessions – these sessions will cover everything you need to do to create a new conversational environment in your marriage.

✔ BONUS Access To 4 Days Of Special VIP Backstage Q&A Sessions With Venniece! I will be taking extra time each night to give you a deep dive into what it takes to apply what I’m teaching each day. I will personally get to coach you live on Zoom. You get your questions answered and I walk alongside you for your 4-Day Experience.

✔ BONUS Access To Recordings Of The VIP Backstage Pass / Q&A Session With Venniece You get the recordings to my backstage pass simply for joining the VIP, all of the Q&A sessions recorded for you to watch later

✔ BONUS Transcripts Of The Main Sessions Read through all of the content from the main sessions in transcript format!

✔ Backstage VIP Q&A Sessions happen immediately after the main sessions for 1-hour from 8-9pm Eastern (7-8 Central, 6-7 Pacific).

✔ #1 BONUS EXCLUSIVE Training Session: In How to Shift Out of Reactions Training, I break down the quickest way to go from a reaction to a place of calm and resolution. It takes a simple skill to be able to do this easily. This training will show you how to do so. Don’t stay stuck in reactions! They are unproductive and get in the way of maintaining a positive conversational environment in your marriage. This will be hugely valuable to keep in your video library to refer back to!

✔ #2 BONUS EXCLUSIVE Training Session: “Why Compromising Doesn’t Work and What to do Instead” Training I’ll talk about the impact of compromising yourself with your spouse and how to unlearn compromising in your relationship. Every time you compromise yourself it stops you from living in peace. It’s not the way to do things in your marriage. In this training, I help you get on the path to communicating in such a way that you can be true to yourself in your marriage.  You can create an environment for yourself where you get to have things work for you without compromising!

Over $2,997 Value!

Only $47